Tips to to Reduce Anxiety

Written by Sara Kurtevski, MD

Chances are that you have likely already met your frenemy, anxiety. If you are waiting for test scores, acceptance letters, interview invites, or match results, there is a good chance that this unwelcomed visitor has been lingering around for too long. Just like with any unwelcomed visitor who doesn’t get the hint when it’s time to leave, there are ways to politely escort them to the door. The truth is that Anxiety serves a purpose and although we tend to perceive it negatively, it's only negative when it gets control of us. Remember, you are in charge. Let’s go through some techniques that may help relieve anxiety. 


Ask yourself, “why am I anxious?”. You likely know the superficial answer, but look a little deeper and ask why this is causing so much anxiety. Are you nervous about a fear of failure? Are you worried that your loved ones will be disappointed? Perhaps it’s all of the above. Be honest with yourself, no one will judge you except you. After you determine what is driving your anxiety, ask yourself if there is anything you can do about it. For example, if it's fear of disappointment driving the anxiety, then it is important to come up with a backup plan. While you don’t have control over a result, you can control the next step.

Release it 

The idea of releasing your anxiety is to get it off your chest. The more we keep things inside, the more negative energy accumulates and it will be harder to cope. Things such as journaling, physical activity, dancing, drawing/painting, meditation, cooking/baking, yoga, and talking to someone who is a good listener, are all great ways to get energy out in a healthy way. You don’t want to repress feelings by having drinks and forgetting about it. You want to deal with it in healthy ways.

Take care of yourself

This is a big one. The tendency of most people here is to cope with chips, sugary foods, binge watch Netflix, have a couple of drinks, stay up late, etc. Despite the temptation and the quick relief these activities may bring, these tendencies are more harmful in the long run. Taking care of yourself by eating healthy, implementing moments of self-care and relaxation techniques, and staying busy with hobbies will allow you to better deal with all the emotions and make you feel more energized.

Keep busy and focus on the present

There is so much uncertainty that surrounds us and most of the time we have very little control over things. Focusing on the present moment and recognizing what we have control over will help empower you to move forward. Reminding yourself of everything you have in the present moment will help build gratitude and take your mind away from the unknown. Staying busy and continuing to find purpose in the present will prevent your mind from wandering towards uncertainty. Just remember:

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”-Lao Tzu 


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