Interview Tips for PM&R

Written by Sara Kurtevski, MD


There is something about hearing the word “interview” that makes people nervous. Feeling like you are under microscopic evaluation would make anyone feel uneasy, so let’s re-phrase what an interview is first.  An interview is essentially a conversation. You have had these your entire life, so the good news is that you are already a natural with plenty of experience. Remember that conversations are a two-way street, meaning that the program interviewing you is trying to get to know you just as much as you are trying to get to know them. With that being said, not all the pressure is on you. You are an exceptional candidate who will bring unique experiences, personality traits, and skill set to the program so my number one advice for any interview is: be yourself and pretend you are just having a regular daily conversation. Now, let’s talk about PM&R interview preparation tips (that is why you are reading this after all).


The day before the interview

Take some time to prepare things so that you are not scrambling on the big day. Read through the schedule and familiarize yourself with the platform the program will use (not every program uses Zoom). Get a little practice if you can, which can help you feel more natural and it will give you a sense of control and preparedness. Since things are being conducted virtually, be mindful of the times you need to log on and time zone differences. You will also have A LOT of opportunities to ask questions, so researching the programs and having a list of questions ready beforehand will help. And the most important thing to do the night before: get a good rest. Just like any big test you take, make sure you are well rested because as exciting as interviews are, they can also be draining and you want to feel like yourself.


Be prepared to answer common questions and know your application

It can be easy to forget some details of your application. Review the application before as you may be asked to expand on some details during the interview. Common questions will come up frequently, and having a general answer ready will take some pressure off of you. As you are preparing yourself, think about incorporating experiences you have had into the answer. Adding details will make your statement more believable, memorable, and make you seem much more open. Remember that programs already have plenty of information about you, so add details that are not evident in your application to give them a more holistic view of who you are. PM&R residency programs tend to be smaller in size compared to other specialties; thus, personality is very important. Adding those details will make it easier to evaluate how you would potentially fit into their family.  


Have fun and acknowledge your achievements

It is easy to get lost in the stress of the Match process, but remind yourself of how much you have achieved and that it should be a fun and exciting experience. You are evaluating the program as much as they are evaluating you, so enjoy the journey and celebrate being one step closer to finding your new home and family for the next couple of years.  


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