Match Reapplicants

Written by Morgan Pratt, MD

As a reapplicant, starting the Match process again can seem daunting. However, I can tell you from personal experience, that the second time around can bring with it a feeling of liberation and confidence. Experience is a great teacher. Here are some things I’ve learned, and tips for moving forward. 


1.     Remember, you’re a survivor. Understanding the Match and SOAP process gives you immense insight going into another cycle, providing a unique perspective. Programs, much like applicants, are at the mercy of the Match process, having been burned by this flawed system. Give yourself a break and let go of any residual feelings of guilt or shame as you go through this process once again. This journey, like your life, is long and unpredictable. Embrace it with optimism. 

2.     If you’ve decided to change directions in your specialty, or are reapplying after going unmatched, express this honestly and with confidence in both your personal statement and interviews. By doing this with authority, you’ll demonstrate an evolution in your career path, highlighting your growth and resilience. These are desirable qualities for applicants, demonstrating that you’re undaunted by this temporary setback. 

3.     Be careful not to show resentment or place blame on external forces, i.e. poor guidance, bad letters of rec, low test scores etc... This is easy to do, but it’s a trap, don’t fall for it. Speak to your weaknesses from the first round and how you’ve been working to improve. Self-awareness and internal motivation are highly desired qualities in a resident!  

4.     The way you speak about the extra year could be critical in interviews. You may get many more questions regarding this than you think. Be prepared to explain why you believe the ‘bonus year’ makes you an even more attractive applicant, with a greater experience to bring to their program. 


Finally, I want you to feel empowered to share your story on your terms. You are more prepared than most as a reapplicant. Use your experience and wisdom to your advantage, and show these programs what you have to offer them! 


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